Academic degree:,
Academic rank: Full professor
Short biography:
Full Professor Goran Dukic was born 27/03/1970 in Varaždin, Croatia. After completion of primary and secondary schools for the mathematical and IT technicians in Varaždin, in 1989 enrolled Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, and graduated in 1994.
After completing his military service in 1995, in the beginning of the 1996 employees in the machine tool company “ITAS” Ivanec, in engineering department. From May 1996 he works as a young research assistant at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, at Department of Industrial Engineering. He completed his postgraduate studies and defended on 06th April 2000 the master’s thesis: “Analysis and design of the storage system”. On 29th April 2004 he defended his doctoral dissertation “Research of order picking in conventional warehouses”. On 20th February 2007 he was elected to the academic title of Assistant Professor, on 20th February 2012 he was elected to the academic title of Associate Professor and on 13th June 2017 he was elected to the academic title of Full Professor. From 2008-2014 he was head representative for study module of Industrial Engineering and Management of undergraduate and graduate studies at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, and from 2014 head of the module of Industrial Engineering and Management of doctoral studies. From 2014 he is also a head of the Industrial Engineering Department at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb. Since 2016 he is acting vice-dean for academic affairs at the Faculty of Mechanical engineering, University of Zagreb.
In the period since 1996 till today he regularly participated in scientific research projects: “Research and development of integrated production logistics,” lead researcher Professor Dragutin Taboršak, “Managing manufacturing using artificial intelligence,” lead researcher Professor Nikola Šakić, “Dynamic modelling of logistics systems,” lead researcher Professor Čedomir Oluić. All of the above projects were funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Croatia. Also he was participating in international project TEMPUS MAS-PLM No. 144959-IT-2008-JPCR with the goal of developing postgraduate study of Product Lifecycle Management. He is a leader of a partner in ESF project “LOMI” about internationalization in high education 2018-2021.
He is the author or co-author of 1 chapter in scientific book, 18 papers published in international journals and 40 papers presented on international scientific conferences. He is also guest editor of two special issues of scientific journal International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, as well as member of editorial boards of journals Transactions of FAMENA, Archives of Transport and Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering.
At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb he is participating in the teaching of logistics and industrial engineering with courses Engineering logistics, Special topics in engineering logistics, Modelling logistics systems, Logistics management and Operations research, in undergraduate and graduate studies, as well as with several courses at the postgraduate professional and doctoral studies. In Military Engineering (ME) and Military Leadership and Management (ML&M) undergraduate university study programs he is co- lecturer in course Management of military logistics systems, while on graduate military studies he is co-lecturer in courses Operations Research and Computer Simulations and Modelling. He is currently visiting lecturer at the University North of Varaždin with course Business logistics II. He is also co-lecturer in course Warehousing and Distribution Management in the postgraduate professional study Transport Logistics and Management of the Faculty of Traffic Engineering in Zagreb.
He is a Member of international board of International Centre for Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL), vice-president from 2014, reviewer of papers in several conferences and plenty international journals. He was Chairman and organizer of conferences International Conference of Industrial Logistics (ICIL) 2012 and 2014, editor of conference proceedings. As a member of scientific and organizing committees of Management of Technology and Sustainable Production (MOTSP) conferences, he is co-editor of seven conference proceedings. He is a member of editorial boards of four scientific journals, reviewers of plenty joournal and conference papers. He is married, father of two sons.
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