Prognostic maintenance of industrial rotary equipment based on machine learning and IoT technology in interaction with information systems (POIROT-IoT)

Project type: IRI project

Date of implementation: 2020-2023

Project duration: 3 years

Project leader: Prof. Dragutin Lisjak, PhD

Partner: Ekonerg konzalting d.o.o.

Short description:

The implementation of the project in the company KRALJEVAC d.o.o. for public water supply and sewerage with headquarters in Udbina has improved its technological processes and maintenance procedures, and has systematized and digitized the basic documentation and data required for maintenance management. All the aforementioned was supported by a modern property management information systemi(HxGN EAM) in interaction with in-house developed data collection systems (POIROT-IoT) and an artificial intelligence system for automated monitoring of the water supply system status (POIROT-AI).